Become A Member
Steuben Arts Scene is excited to provide financial opportunities for those that want to support the arts in our community. With a patronage or donor membership, you’ll support The Scene’s efforts to expand the art community in Steuben County. Our passion is to bring art experiences and education to the community so that all ages can benefit from the arts. We rely on art supporters like you to make The Scene’s mission come about. From supporting local artists to offering educational programming to bringing cultural opportunities to the community, your financial support makes it all possible. Membership levels and perks are broken down below.
Patron Level
With a contribution of $35, patrons receive:
a keychain
recognition in our Annual Report
inclusion in all of our mailings
invitations to members-only events
‘day before’ registration access for classes
Memberships are valid for one year.
Donor Level
With a contribution starting at $75 donors receive:
an ornament
artists receive 10% discount on booths
artists receive a listing on the website
invitations to special events
recognition in our Annual Report
inclusion in all of our mailings
discounts on classes
Invitations to donors-only events
early access for class signups
Memberships are valid for one year.
Use this form to choose a membership level
Join by mail:
PO Box 22
Angola, IN 46703

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